Sweedie Dreams – Tagged "Sweedie Dreams" – Page 2 – Sweedie Kids

Sweedie Dreams — Sweedie Dreams

April Sweedie Dreams

Posted by Sandra Metoyer on

  Meet Harley, this month’s inspiration for Sweedie Dreams. Harley is an 8-year old girl with holoprosencephaly (HPE). HPE is a congenital brain disorder caused by the failure of the prosencephalon (the embryonic forebrain) to sufficiently divide into the double lobes of the cerebral hemispheres. The result is a single-lobed brain structure and severe skull and facial defects. Harley was born with a cleft lip, flat nose, and microcephaly (small head circumference). She struggles with seizures daily that are very difficult to control. She also has difficulty feeding and breathing on her own, which has resulted in a feeding tube...

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March Sweedie Dreams

Posted by Sandra Metoyer on

Ryder Meet Ryder, our inspiration to start Sweedie Dreams. He’s a typical rambunctious 4-year old who just happens to rock an extra chromosome. On any given day, you can find Ryder dancing and singing to everything from Frozen to Motörhead. His love for music and movement has been facilitated by the remarkable music program at the Rise School of Austin. Ryder began at the Rise School at 16-months, shortly after successful open-heart surgery. The Rise School quickly became a second family, offering support and an unbeatable educational program that was tailored for Ryder. The Rise School of Austin is a...

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Sweedie Dreams

Posted by Sandra Metoyer on

We are excited to launch our giving back program, Sweedie Dreams! When we started Sweedie Kids a couple of years ago, we knew we wanted to do some sort of giving back program for children. At that time we both had close friends who had just given birth to medically complex children, and it dawned on us what an incredible emotional and financial roller coaster parenthood can be. When we were later approached by a mom to design a bandana bib that would work for her 7-year old daughter with Cerebral Palsy, the circle was completed and Sweedie Dreams was...

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